Cat, a British Reiki healer, came to Ibiza and basically never left. Now I knew why. The vibe and essence of Ibiza is unique. Besides some drugged-up EDM lovers, Ibiza’s dichotomy is unique. Maybe it’s all this quartz crystal that lies beneath the surface of Ibiza?
The morning of my appointment, I rented a car and headed to Cat’s place. I kept calm focusing on the road since this was my first time driving in Europe. The Spanish automatic car differed from American where neutral did not exist and the car rolled backwards when switching my foot from break to accelerator.
I arrived early with intentions on hanging out in my car until my appointment time. I felt a tap on the window and Cat arrived mentioning, “for some reason my intuition told me you’d arrive early.” Funny how things like that “work.” I walked into her home and healing room, which was an energetic oasis and attached my soul to my guides.
Part of the reason I saw Cat was to give me the strength and confidence of publishing my book. Throughout the years of my spiritual development, I’ve been judged and put-down many times for my spiritual endeavors. I’ve been labeled everything from “weird to fucking crazy.” Now, not only am I more confident in my beliefs and myself, but I needed some extra “life force juice” to overcome negative comments about my book.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a writer is that people will love and hate your work. Telling the world about your inner-world and mistakes is nerve-wracking. Cat reminded me that as a Reiki Master that I have the power within me and to connect to my guides when I need help. She said, “the energy is out there, you just need to use it. Guide your energy to the people who need to read about your story.” I completely forgot that we humans have this magical power to guide our energy as we see fits.
After a brief consultation, I took a deep breath and lay on the table. After Cat opened the session, I felt tears stream from my eyes. I did not know exactly where my emotions came from, but my mind raced at the speed of light while simultaneously calm and thoughtless.
The night before I attended Destino’s Opening Party. I met a group of 60 and 30-year old British guys who were on a stag party and we danced, laughed and joked in the VIP section behind the Luciano. I had one drink that night and the guy put Red Bull in my drink, which is like a poisonous speed to my sensitive body. Even with the small amount, I felt the jitters leave my body with the tears as Cat replaced the anxious with light and love.
When I was 20 I moved to Australia and that experience changed my life. I talk more about the trip in Finding Om, but it was the only place on the planet where I was accepted without judgment. I cried as I found a “home” in Ibiza being free with the universe, beach and techno music. A place where people unite to have a good time and dance. Not one person looked sad, depressed or stressed. The only worry on this island was how to catch a cab home from the nightclub.
I then thought about living in Europe. I became very thankful for the experience and also proud. Before I met my husband, I planned on moving to Europe. When my husband entered my life, we both had the same goal, but he wanted to live in Germany. I told him to never give up on that dream. I did not know how or when, but I knew one day I would live in Europe.
And like Australia and India, I cried wondering how I am so lucky to have this experience? I found peace and love on the table knowing the universe would take care of me. At this point, I lived in Germany for eight months and through this time I developed more spiritually. I’ve seen and analyzed cultural lifestyles and my viewpoints about health, exercise and wellness were changing. And some of it goes against the education we learn in America. How the hell am I going to survive a life in America and compete against a male-driven egotistic industry that obsesses over protein and lifting weights? Somehow the time to voice this stuff would come as needed.
I find Reiki as a powerful tool to help me release and trash the negative stuff. To me, reiki is nature’s juice that revs my mind and body. At the conclusion of my session, Cat wanted me to pull from the angel cards. Two cards fell from her deck. The first encouraged me to move forward with something I wanted to study. She said, “Have you been thinking about studying something?”
I laughed while wiping my face, “I actually wanted to take DJ lessons. Becoming a DJ in Germany is like learning how to scuba dive in Australia.” Unfortunately, my German is “nicht gut” and they don’t respond to my emails. But, somewhere and some day I will learn how to DJ. I saw myself entering a creative stage of life and this type of music moves my spirit to another dimension.
The second card that came up was in regards to someone who tragically passed and the card assured the soul was okay in the heavens. I connected that to my uncle who committed suicide around June 3, 2012. My reiki appointment was May 30, 2015.
The backstory on my Uncle’s death set the stage for the type of work I wanted to pursue. I’ve often had visitation dreams from my uncle and his message assured me to remain strong during his “anniversary” where I would think of him often.
After the appointment, Cat led me outside where I drank the warm Ibizan air. I felt grounded, lifted, powerful and ready for the Las Dalias Hippie Market.
Cat is an amazing healer and gifted in many intuitive realms of Reiki. For a reiki healing appointment, contact Cat through her website: